Travel To Champaign
The University of Illinois is located in the twin cities of Champaign and Urbana (C-U) in east-central Illinois. C-U is situated about 140 miles south of Chicago, 125 miles west of Indianapolis, and 180 miles northeast of St. Louis.

Airport Code: CMI

Peoria Charter (private bus company) serves many different locations including both Chicago Airports (O’Hare and Midway)
*Note that the train and most bus/shuttle services arrive at the Illinois Terminal, located at 45 East University Avenue in downtown Champaign (about one mile from campus).
Travel In Champaign
After you have arrived in Champaign-Urbana (by airplane, train, or bus/shuttle), you will need to secure transportation from your drop-off point to your final destination.
Here are some suggested modes of transportation (you are responsible for making arrangements and associated costs) within Champaign-Urbana. Area taxi companies and ride sharing services frequently serve the Illinois Terminal on the west side (front).

MTD (city bus from Illinois Terminal–limited hours of operation and destinations)

Taxi cab (Google for options)