About MCAA

MCAA History

The Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs began operations at the University of Oklahoma in Norman during Thanksgiving vacation of 1952 as the Far Eastern Affairs Conference. A decade later, in 1962, it was renamed the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA), and came formally under the wing of the Association for Asian Studies in 1967.

The Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) began independently of the Association for Asian Studies.

The handful of Asianists at universities in the region most remote from the coastal universities served by AAS were a “lonely bunch,” and responded readily to the invitation of Percy W. Buchanan, our founder, to gather at his university in 1952. A former Presbyterian missionary to Japan, Buchanan became a missionary to the cause of promoting Asian studies, served as first president of the foundling organization, and then its executive secretary until it was up and running on its own.

Older prewar Asia hands who joined the new group reached accommodation with new PhDs from the fledgling postwar centers, and for some of them loyalty to the conference lasted a lifetime. Rudolph Bjorgan of Wartburg College in Iowa, for example, attended every meeting from the beginning in 1952 up until his death in 1998. Research scholars in neighboring universities of the region befriended their counterparts; professors exchanged information on classroom teaching and summer institutes for teachers; and collegiality with peers in one’s own field became possible for the isolated scholar.

MCAA has developed a sense of its own history by publishing the list of past presidents and of conference locations in its program annually. In the early years, conference meetings were held more often in Kansas than in other states, but after the conference leaped the Mississippi River for the first time in 1959 to gather at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, the state of Illinois became the most favored meeting ground, in recognition of the larger membership in that part of the Midwest. Early on the Big Eight universities were central to the organization, but more recently the Big Ten universities have held meetings most frequently. In 1973, two of the original states were pared off by a national committee of the AAS, a move that placed Oklahoma in the Southwest Conference and Colorado in the Western Conference, while still allowing some choice of conference membership for individuals. Throughout its existence, meetings of the MCAA have commonly alternated between major universities and small colleges, in recognition of the need to support Asian studies locally in both these setting.

An early president, Robert K. Sakai of the University of Nebraska, established and edited a handsome, hardcover annual volume of selected papers published by the University of Nebraska Press for eight years, 1960–67, and by the University Press of Kansas for two additional years. This series, Studies on Asia, was revived in 2004 in the form of an online journal sponsored by MCAA, hosted by the Asian Studies Center of Michigan State University, and edited by Linda Cooke Johnson.

Grant Goodman, another past president, established an archive of MCAA materials at the University of Kansas library, so that the organization’s most important records are carefully preserved to this day. Although meetings move around, some continuity is provided by having the executive secretary serve for three years, and by finding unusually conscientious people for that position. The current executive secretary is Greg Guelcher, Morningside College.

Annual meetings which first attracted 15–20 registrants now have 200–300 people in attendance, and have grown in comprehensiveness. The president of AAS usually speaks (George C. Cressy was the first in 1959), prominent guest speakers are often featured (C. Northcote Parkinson, on “The Renaissance of Asia,” in 1959, for example), professionals in the Asian performing arts usually have an evening (Indrani and her dancers in 1961, for example), feature films are often shown (Snow Country, a Japanese film, was screened in 1969), and workshops are held for secondary school teachers (as in the program featuring Frank Gibney at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, 1995).

Annual prizes for graduate essays, an undergraduate essay, and public service suggest conference priorities, and each is named for persons who have made significant contributions to the organization: the Percy W. Buchanan Graduate Prizes (one each for an outsanding papers by Midwestern graduate students on topics relating to China and Inner Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia), the Sidney DeVere Brown and Mikiso Hane Undergraduate Prizes; for outstanding papers composed by undergraduates in Midwestern colleges and universities, and the Jackson and Caroline Bailey Outreach Prize, recognizing a scholar or teacher with a distinguished record of teaching about Asia and promoting Asian Studies in the Midwest.

by Sidney DeVere Brown, the University of Oklahoma

Executive Committee

MCAA Executive Committee


Taylor Easum
Indiana State University

Vice President

Michel Hockx
University of Notre Dame

Past President

Hiromi Mizuno
University of Minnesota

Program Chair

Misumi Sadler
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Executive Secretary

Greg Guelcher
Morningside College

COC Representative

Kendra Strand
University of Iowa

Advisory Board

Northeast Asia

Elizabeth Lublin
Wayne State University

Katherine Tegtmeyer Pak
St. Olaf College

China and Inner Asia

S.E. Kile
University of Michigan

Jingling Chen
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

South Asia

Rajiv Ranjan
Michigan State University

Southeast Asia

Ingrid Jordt
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Past Conference
Conference 2022

The 71st Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) Annual Meeting was hosted by The University of Kansas from September 16th to 18th, 2022. The MCAA seeks to promote Asian studies both at the university and the secondary and primary levels, and particularly to encourage scholarly interchange between Asianists located in the Midwest, though scholars from all regions are invited to participate.

The Keynote lectures were given by:

  • Professor Kamran Asdar Ali, University of Texas-Austin

The Presidential Panel were given by:

  • Hiromi Mizuno, President of the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (University of Minnesota, History)
  • Megan Greene (University of Kansas, History)
  • Ian Baird (University of Wisconsin, Madison, Geography)
  • Susan Burns (University of Chicago, History)
Conference 2021

The 70th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) Annual Meeting was hosted by Indiana University Bloomington from October 29th to 31st, 2021. The MCAA seeks to promote Asian studies both at the university and the secondary and primary levels, and particularly to encourage scholarly interchange between Asianists located in the Midwest, though scholars from all regions are invited to participate.

The Keynote lectures were given by:

  • Hy Luong, University of Toronto

The Presidential Panel were given by:

  • Poshek Fu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Xinyuan Dai, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • John P. Burns, University of Hong Kong
  • Stanley Rosen, University of Southern California
Conference 2020

The 69th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) Annual Meeting was hosted by a consortium of MCAA affiliated universities from October 16-18th, 2020. The MCAA seeks to promote Asian studies both at the university and the secondary and primary levels, and particularly to encourage scholarly interchange between Asianists located in the Midwest, though scholars from all regions are invited to participate.

The Keynote lectures were given by:

  • Prof. Siddharth Chandra (Director of the Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University)
  • Prof. Christine Yano (AAS President, University of Hawaii)

The Presidential Panel were given by:

  • Jamie Monson (Director of the African Studies, Michigan State University)
  • I Made Andi Arsana (Head of the Office of International Affairs, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Siddharth Chandra (Director of the Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University)
  • Blandina Lugendo (Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
  • Mark Axelrod (Professor at James Madison College and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University)
  • Awet Weldemichael (Professor and Queen’s National Scholar African and World History, Queen’s University, Canada)

Planning Committee:

  • Program Chair: Dr. Taylor Easum, Indiana State University
  • Conference Submission Coordinator: Dr. Michael Brose, Indiana University

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Conference 2019

The 68th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) Annual Meeting was hosted by Michigan State from October 4-6, 2019. The MCAA seeks to promote Asian studies both at the university and the secondary and primary levels, and particularly to encourage scholarly interchange between Asianists located in the Midwest, though scholars from all regions are invited to participate.

The Keynote lectures were given by:

  • Prof. Wendy Larson (Professor of Modern Chinese Literature and Film, University of Oregon)
  • Prof. Anne Feldhaus (Past AAS President, Arizona State University)

The Presidential Panel were given by:

  • Prof. Laura Miller (Professor of Japanese Studies, University of Missouri)
  • Prof. Mary Gallagher (Director of the Asian Studies Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan)
  • Prof. Siddharth Chandra (Director of the Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University)
  • Prof. Ann Sherif (Professor of Japanese, Oberlin College) 
Conference 2018

The 67th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) Annual Meeting was hosted by Metropolitan State University from October 19 – 20, 2018. The MCAA seeks to promote Asian studies both at the university and the secondary and primary levels, and particularly to encourage scholarly interchange between Asianists located in the Midwest, though scholars from all regions are invited to participate.

The Keynote lectures were given by:

  • Prof. Prasenjit Duara (Vice President for the Association for Asian Studies)
  • Dr. Irene Khin Khin Jensen (Professor Emeriti, Augsburg University)
  • Prof. Robert Hegel (Washington University in St. Louis; President, Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs)

For more information about the conference visit the 2018 Conference website.

Past Presidents


Conference Location: The University of Kansas
President: Hiromi Mizuno 
President’s Affiliation: University of Minnesota


Conference Location: (Online) Indiana University Bloomington
President: Poshek Fu 
President’s Affiliation: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Conference Location: (Online) Michigan State University, East Lansing
President: Siddharth Chandra 
President’s Affiliation: Michigan State University, East Lansing


Conference Location: Michigan State University, East Lansing
President: Laura Miller
President’s Affiliation: University of Missouri St. Louis


Conference Location: Metropolitan State University, Minneapolis
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: University of Notre Dame
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
President: Ethan Segal
President’s Affiliation: Michigan State University


Conference Location: Washington University in St. Louis
President: Kai-wing Chow
President’s Affiliation: University of Illinois


Conference Location: University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS
President: Arjun Guneratne
President’s Affiliation: Macalester College


Conference Location: Michigan State University
President: Rebecca Copeland
President’s Affiliation: Washington University 


Conference Location: Western Michigan University
President: Yongming Zhou
President’s Affiliation: University of Wisconsin Madison


Conference Location: Macalester College
President: Katherine Bowie
President’s Affiliation: University of Wisconsin Madison


Conference Location: Ohio State University
President: Roy Hanashiro
President’s Affiliation: University of Michigan Flint


Conference Location: Miami University Ohio
President: Robert Entenmann
President’s Affiliation: St. Olaf College


Conference Location: St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges
President: Yasuko Ito Watt
President’s Affiliation: Indiana University Bloomington


Conference Location: Washington University – St. Louis
President: Linda Johnson
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: University of Wisconsin – Madison
President: Aparajita Sagar
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: Michigan State University
President: Jacquetta Hill
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: University of Minnesota
President: James L. Huffman
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: Illinois State University
President: Parks M. Coble
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: Wittenberg University
President: Gerald J. Larson
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: University of Nebraska
President: Sally A. Hastings
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: Indiana University – Bloomington
President: David Buck
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: Michigan State University
President: Richard M. Cooler
President’s Affiliation: 


Conference Location: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
President: Louis G. Perez
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
President: Daniel H. Bays
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
President: Eleanor M. Zelliot
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Missouri-St. Louis
President: David Plath
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Western Illinois University, Macomb
President: Winston Hsieh
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: John Carroll University, Cleveland
President: Donald Emmerson
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
President: Koji Taira
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Iowa, Iowa City
President: Adrian Bennett
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Indiana University, Bloomington
President: Stephen Cohen
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Michigan State University, East Lansing
President: Rita Kipp
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Wisconsin-Madison
President: Mikiso Hane
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges, Northfield
President: Ted Farmer
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
President: Harold Gould
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Miami University, Oxford
President: Carl Landes
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Washington University, St. Louis
President: Bonnie Oh
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence
President: Willard Elsbree
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
President: Manindra Verma
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Missouri-Columbia
President: Marleigh Ryan
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Iowa, Iowa City
President: Samuel Chu
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Ohio State University, Columbus
President: Clark D. Neher
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
President: Barbara Ramusack
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
President: Iwao Ishino
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul
President: Byron Marshall
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Ohio University, Athens
President: Robert Crawford
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence
President: Grant K. Goodman
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Michigan State University, East Lansing
President: Barbara Teters
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
President: Bernard Karsh
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Wisconsin-Madison
President: John Kie-chang Oh
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Indiana University, Bloomington
President: David Wurfel
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Oklahoma state University, Stillwater
President: Fred von der Mehden
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
President: Jackson Bailey
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence
President: Stanley Spector
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Wartburg College, Waverly
President: George M. Beckmann
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Colorado, Boulder
President: Earl Swisher
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
President: Ping-chia Kuo
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
President: Fred Parrish
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Washington University, St. Louis
President: Yahva Armajami
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Grinnell College, Grinnell
President: Solomon B. Levine
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Oklahoma, Norman
President: Sidney D. Brown
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
President: Robert K. Sakai
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Missouri-Columbia
President: Mitchell Smith
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Macalester College, St. Paul
President: Rudolph Bjorgan
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence
President: Alfred Crofts
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: Kansas State University, Manhattan
President: Haridas Muzumdar
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
President: Oswald P. Backus III
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence
President: Percy Buchanan
President’s Affiliation:


Conference Location: University of Oklahoma, Norman
President: Percy Buchanan (Founder)
President’s Affiliation: