Session: Session 5, 10:15 – 11:45 am, Saturday 9/30
Category: Individual Papers
Location: Innovation
Chair: Steven Guo (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Paper Presenters: Mina Kim (University of Texas at Austin), Congcong Ma (University of Notre Dame)
Experiential Language Learning Opportunity through Global Collaboration and Social Engagement
Speaker: Mina Kim
Role: Paper Presenter
Institution/Affiliation: University of Texas at Austin
Abstract: Firstly, Global Virtual Exchange (GVE) Program will promote effective learning through the collaboration of learning groups across different universities in Europe and U.S using GVE, and it will bolster its mission of strengthening the competencies and skills of Korean language learners internationally. It is a new attempt to use and learn Korean as the same learning target language. It will foster a diverse international community for Korean learners to develop higher levels of language proficiency through 1) establishing friendship and networking opportunities 2) Improve the learners’ language skills more effectively 3) promoting mutual understanding and cultural exchange between institutions and learners 4) developing a curriculum focused on student-engaged learning 5) share learning materials, pedagogical practice, and classroom management among language instructors to contribute to OER. Secondly, Participation in a Korean Heritage Language School through Special Reading Program and Immersive Interactive Storytelling: It will promote effective learning and strengthen communication skills of Korean learners by Korean incorporating traditional folktales into an immersive interactive performance. It’s a kind of performance designed to make audience participate and take interest in the performance by breaking down the boundaries between audience and the stage or actors. It was created for the local community together with theater design students so that the children of a Korean Heritage Language School can enjoy Korean culture. It will foster a diverse community to develop higher-level language proficiency by promoting mutual understanding and cultural interaction, providing their motivation and social contribution.
A Reflection on Online Assessments for Beginner Chinese
Speaker: Congcong Ma
Role: Paper Presenter
Institution/Affiliation: University of Notre Dame
Abstract: This paper introduces our new attempt to convert traditional in-class exams into online exams for Beginner Chinese. Online exams can ease students’ workload, save class time to conduct more in-class activities, and it can also help to maintain enrollment numbers as it will ease the fear which in-class exams bring, especially for more difficult courses such as second languages. Moreover, the statistics of the exams generated by the system automatically can help us analyze the exams better. In this paper, we will provide those statistics. Based on the data, we will also discuss how to design an effective online exam and how to solve the problems which arise during the transition to online exams.